BCP Supports Paul C. Rodriguez for
Department Commander 2025-26
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Click on the Archives tab and you should find it there!
"Feed The Helmet!"
Addressing the ongoing economic problems of the American Legion, the Department of California Finance Committee have come upon with the idea of "Feed The Helmet!" Expanding on an idea adopted by the Elks International ("Feed The Pig") the Amador D.E.C. approved funding to move ahead with the idea. Soon, we hope, Helmets will be popping up in Posts across the State to help with some of the short falls the V.A.& R. is experiencing.
Nice going Al Lennox and the Finance Committee! Thinking outside the box!
Nice going Al Lennox and the Finance Committee! Thinking outside the box!
Veterans Assistance Links!
Once Ineligible Veterans Now Eligible for Benefits
Click Here!
$10's of Thousands of Dollars and over three (6) years later photos of what we bought! Wonder how the Auxiliary is doing in San Francisco these days?
"Where Are the Veterans in Office?"
"Path from Combat to Congress Fading" (Link)
Correct this problem: Support "Combat Veterans For Congress"
(Link to Fox News story)
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